On Friday, Sharon and I arrived in the afternoon and got checked into our room at the Jersey Cape Motel and then popped over to HCSV to set up the "New Fly" with Kim's assistance. I have to say, the fly is smaller than the old one but infinitely more manageable and easier to set up. Plus, with the extra long poles, there's complete area usage. We got it all pegged into the (somewhat soft) ground but that did not present any issues. We then went back to attend to the 21st C.
Saturday morning we rolled back in and had our display up and running in short order. The weather was quite humid, as usual, and rather hot. In general it was cloudy and for a very short time there was an almost imperceptible drizzle, so the fly was quite handy. We had a steady and constant stream of visitors and families throughout the day and we talked about our ensembles. Kim, Sharon, and I were representing the 1830s while Meredith was a century ahead of us in the 1940s.
Other displays set up on the grounds ranged from medieval through the 20th Century and included our friends in #2 Section doing 2nd Boer War.
Some other highlights of the day were visiting the ice cream shop just down the road, which offered a wonderful chance to cool down a bit, and see some of the farm animals (Levi, Nugget, Rascal, etc.) that call the site home. The site personnel were extremely friendly and happy to have us there.
All in all, a success! A strong start for the summer season.