Several members of the Royal Sussex Regiment attended the WWI Airshow on August 20 and 21, at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome in Rhinebeck, NY. On Saturday, we showcased our impressions under the shade of a hangar. Sharon, Kimberly, and Meredith represented our nursing VAD detachment, John and Sebastian represented officers in the British forces, and John K. and Christine portrayed a German officer and his sweetheart. On Sunday, Paul and Vivian represented the 1st NY Cavalry as seen in the Mexican Border Service, circa 1917.
Throughout the day, the public had lots of opportunities to see aircraft from the WWI era take to the skies. The program included a simulated dog fight between a US Navy Curtis Jenny and a German Fokker Albatross. A highlight of the air show was seeing the British Sopwith Pup wing by, almost dipping in a salute of British spirit knowing we were cheering her on from the ground. Several of the Royal Sussex touched the clouds on Saturday, by flying in a Barnstormer biplane. It was thrilling being in the open cockpit taking in the views of the Hudson valley beneath us.
On both days, we provided atmosphere and interest as we educated the public about the many roles we reenacted during the Great War. Despite the heat, and grateful for the shade of the hangar, we Royal Sussex had a great time, and would highly recommend we have a stronger showing there in the future.