Questions? Comments? Want to Join? Contact Us!
We regret that we are not able to assist in genealogy. If you are looking for information about a relative who served in the regiment, please contact the West Sussex Records Office.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can join? Membership is open to all. Military impressions require that members be at least 18 years of age, legally able to possess and handle a firearm, and in sufficiently good health as to not put themselves or others at risk while doing physical tasks such as marching, drilling, and carrying equipment for extended periods of time. Members can also join up with our Civilian Committee and explore the lives and times of the people associated with the regiment.
- Can you tell me about my relative who served in the regiment? Probably not. Your best bet is to contact the West Sussex Records Office.
- I don't have any past experience, nor any period clothes. Can I try it out to see if I like it? The Society has some lender items for those who might want to join up. The best thing to do is contact us and we can make arrangements for you. Try it out at an event, see what you think. No obligations.
- What's expected of members? Members in good standing submit an application and medical form to a member of the Executive Committee of the Royal Sussex Society to get started. Membership dues are required by February 1 of each year. The Society will do all it can to get prospective members lender clothing and things they will need to give it a try and see if they like it. Once a member joins, we will continue to help them build up their "impression" (the term for a reenacting ensemble or persona), with the expectation that they will make a good-faith effort to get themselves together in a reasonable amount of time, thereby letting the Society help others as well. Members should strive to attend at least 2 events per year to demonstrate their good standing. If this is not possible, for example, a job will take a member away for an extended period of time, simply let us know.
- Is it expensive? While members will be expected to invest in their own clothing and effects, nobody is expected to do it all at once. We are here to help new members get acquainted and guide them towards building up their own impression. We believe that quality speaks for itself, and if members take care of their things, they'll get many years of life out of them. You have time!
- Do I have to do more than one impression? No. While many do, the choice is completely yours.
- Can women be soldiers? Historically, women were not allowed to be soldiers in the British army until the 20th Century. That being said, a woman can portray a soldier or field musician and is asked to make a reasonable effort to "blend in" as a man while on duty. All are treated equally by the officers and NCOs while in the ranks.
- What if I am not yet 18 years old? Minors can be a part of the regiment so long as their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are present with them. Reenacting is a good family hobby, too, as a way to work on projects together, train together, and make new friends.
- Can I join as an officer or a sergeant? All military recruits come in as private soldiers and learn the rudiments of the drill, marching, and learn to be part of the team.