The site is a collection of historical buildings which have been preserved, framing a central green (or parade ground, depending on your perspective). Below is a list, provided by Ray, of the units represented during the weekend. Photos have been shared by Rebecca Cataldi and Jeff Bross.
Royal Artillery 4th Battalion. Capt. Anderson's Company (Lamb's)
Brigade of Guards, Grenadier Company
15th Regiment, Light Infantry Company
35th Regiment, Grenadier Company
42nd Royal Highland Regiment, Grenadier Company
4th Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers, Capt. Hayden's Company
Von Wreden's Company of Hessian Feldjägers
Von Preuschek's Company of Hessian Feldjägers
Infanterie Regiment Von Donop
Rhode Island Regiment (posing as Dunsmore's Ethiopian Regiment of Virginia)
2nd New Jersey Regiment, Helm's Company (who drilled as Loyalists)